Sensory Cooking Masterclass

on 26 April 2024. Discover novel Sensory Cooking Experiences.

In the exclusive setting of Mesmerhaus in Bildstein, on April 26, 2024.
Awaken your senses, your vitality, through a novel experience.

Do you want to discover something new, awaken your sense of enjoyment, your vitality? Then join a Sensory Cooking evening and experience firsthand how your senses and connections to life unfold.

We dedicate ourselves to the experiences of
Sensory Cooking,
Sensory Wine Tasting,
Connecting with our senses.

Proven methods and principles for activating enjoyment, liveliness, and joy are applied in a playful manner. We utilize the cooking process, the collective preparation of food, to open up the senses. Tasting, preparing, and eating become a celebration of the senses. For those who already enjoy pleasure and for those who aspire to.

You will experience how you can create a surprising, sense-awakening evening at your home too, that will surely unfold the joy for your guests. The masterclass is not about recipes, not about learning to cook, but about something more significant: How to open your senses to develop more enjoyment and infectious vitality.

The evening is led by Heidi, Sensory Experience Designer, and founder of Heidi’s Sensory Travels. No prior knowledge is necessary.

Find more details on Instagram.

April 26, 2024, 5:00 PM – 9:30 PM.
Mesmerhaus – Penthouse Ludovika, Dorf 77, 6858 Bildstein, Austria.
Minimum number of participants 2, maximum 8. Registration:;
Cost: 250 Euro.